How can I tell if this silk chemise vintage?


Registered Guest
Hi everyone,

I keep finding things that have few if any clues (that I can figure out) about their age.

This silk gown is sooo pretty but I have no idea when it may date from.

The only tag is the one stating "100% Silk Made in China"

Thanks for any light you can shed on this puzzle~



I would say this dates to the 30's or 40's given the style.Bias cut silk items are very 1930's and reflective of Jean Harlow and early Hollywood glamour.
My understanding is all items imported into this country after 1900 had to state their country of origin.
This is really lovely and VERY desireable. Silk lingerie from this period almost always fetches a nice price on eBay. Good luck with it!
I'm curious about this and will enjoy hearing various opinions. They style and cut is certainly 30's, but the font on that tag looks fairly modern to me. It's really pretty and there's some amazing stuff coming out of China of course.
Its very pretty and does have a 30s look to it, but I agree with Amanda that it appears to be a more modern piece. How are the seams finished?
That one is a puzzle. The cut and seaming are appropriate for mid to late 30s. But I agree about the label not looking period in style. Also, the fabric weave is one much more common now than in the 30s. The color combination of the trim and body is also more a modern sensibility. And it's rather awkwardly situated between nightgown and dress in style for the 30s.

What are the seam finishes inside? That may answer the question. Also - where is that label located? I ask because it appears to be set on a bias bound edge.

Right now I am leaning toward a very well done modern 30s style gown.

But if you tell me it's all hand finished inside with loads of french seams and hand rolled hem - I would be the first to say I'm wrong.

Hi again,

Thanks for your input. It reassures me that you all got the same feeling about this that I did ~ I'm learning!

It has a 30's "look" but the tag seems very modern.

Here are pix of the side seam and hem - very hard to get a good pic because they are so narrow.

They look like french seams to me and the hem appears to be hand rolled, but again, they are so small and my eyes are so old. I'm leaving the pix pretty big so you can see the detail.

Thanks again!


l think its 1980's does 30's myself..and that label is too new...