how CUTE is this PINECONE print dress??!!!?!!

The Vintage Merchant

Staff member
you are KILLIN me, Maggie!!!

i've never seen a pinecone print DRESS before!!! this is sooo-ooo cute!! :wub:

<a href="">
</a href>

on ebay now...for anyone who is small enough...DRAT!!
Isn't it a great print? I have been collecting items with Northwest nature/wildlife prints or connections for about a half a year, and I'm auctioning them through this week to benefit Conservation Northwest, a favorite cause of mine.

Thank you, Mary, for pointing it out! :wub:

If anyone would like to know more about this great cause, please visit my blog (
seriously, don't these get poke-y Susan?? the idea sounds neat, but i can't imagine they don't stick right through the coverings...

i love i love i love this dress.......

talk about inspiration for dieting NOW