How do you part with your "finds"?


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How do you part with your \"finds\"?

i made a discovery recently: there is nothing like moving from a four storey, 18 room, victorian semi-manse to a 14' x 20' studio apartment to make one realize how much... stuff... they actually have. *gulp*...

one wall of my new place is now lines with garment racks and a couple storage containers (the rest is in my poor mother's basement). although the beautiful colors and textures and random floofs of tafetta and lace really spruce up the beige walls and carpet, now i don't have room to store anything new. (why buy more if you don't have room? you might be thinking... well, so am i, but i have made peace with my "sickness" and accepted my insanity as simply part of my psyche- i'm sure you understand.)

so here's my question: how do you bring yourself to sell your "prizes"? i have every intention of ebaying, but everytime i get the ol' auctiva account fired up and photos taken, i just... can't do it. any advice? anyone else feels this way (and want to share with me so i don't feel quite so insane)?
i like money!!

and i've got a child to support, alone, so thats pretty major incentive. I've only kept a few things as a "collection"......i love selling it and knowing that it will get a new lease on life rather than hanging on a rack or in a closet!

It sounds as if you and I have similar collecting obsessions, as my collection is crowding out just about every single room in the house. I had two cathartic experiences that encouraged me to dispose of ... well, not exactly a lot of it, but some of the antique and vintage clothing here.

One of those cathartic moments is not one I would wish on you, but that was when they told me a year and a half ago that I had lung cancer (I don't). I spent a week getting ready to die and all of a sudden my house full of stuff took on a new reality as I realized that none of my children (two sons and a daughter living in the UK) had the slightest interest in this old clothing and it would only burden my husband after I was gone. I started selling much of it in earnest after that. Of course, I came away from all that with a clearer eye about the fact that we are all going there eventually anyway and that colors how I look at the things here now.

The second and equally dramatic revelation came with a reading assignment in one of my recent graduate school classes. We had to read only the first chapter of the book <u>Collecting - An Unruly Passion</u>, but it changed me forever. The book was written by a psychiatrist with a passion for collecting and as he had some patients with a similar passion he decided to find out why they collect so passionately and obssessively. He found two primary reasons for that (I won't give away the ending!) and I was aghast at what he uncovered. I denied that his conclusions related to my collecting, but as time went on I found it gnawing at me and was chagrined by the creeping awareness that he might be close to the truth. Read it and weep.
I think of Ben, my friend's horse that I'm going to buy after I get my driver's licience and think, what would rather have- a dress or a horse!!! Even the antique corsets in my collection (which I never ever thought I'd sell) aren't immune to the threat of a pending horse.:bouncy:

hi...guys ..:hiya:.havent posted in a long time been extremely busy... no excuse i

how do i part with my vintage items...i get great satisfaction in knowing that the vintage items i have found and sold on are being appreciated and will be well loved..

now i get my 'fix' so to speak by actually finding the items... and the way my business has panned out.... the items that i find were just about to be landfilled or trashed in some way....

it is hard to let your collection or certain items go.... but just remember by parting with some of your collections.. you are making room for more...:USETHUMBUP:
Wow, I am intrigued. I think I will get it and read that book. I have a weakness for all vintage but beaded and embroidered sweaters or dresses, chiffon vintage lingerie and brocade are really my weaknesses. If it doesn't fit me most of the time I will try to sell it unless it is like a work of art. Then I save it. I have suitcases with sequined Christmas aprons. Why I don't know. Something about my childhood and memories. Hope the book is not about being a control freak or something. :rolleyes:
i find myself thinking "but... i might need that someday" a lot too. there have been several occasions where i'll find myself thinking "man, a light blue ruffled tuxedo blouse would look really great with this pencil skirt... oh wait!" and then rummage around until voila- random blue ruffled tuxedo blouse, or something like that.

i think i just need to set some boundaries... i really can't think of an occasion where i'll find myself saying "man, an emerald green lame prom dress would look really great..." lol. best to make a few bucks and let the emo hipster kids have their jollies (no matter how much i wanted one when *I* was in high school and mom would only let me get pink. not that i'm bitter or anything... *ahem*...)