How to clean white kid leather?


I have some very old ladies boots (1800-1900?) that I am planning to restore - they are just really grimy and I think would clean up well, but what's the best way to do this and not damage them?
If they are smooth white kid, try Q-tips dampened with the suds from washing up liquid. Do it in front of the TV one night because you have to do it in small areas and it takes a lot of time. Don't soak the Q-tip because you don't want to make the leather wet, but you want enough of the suds to wash the dirt off. And don't use a harsh detergent - you want a mild dish soap - you can also use your own saliva as a test first - often that works even better than suds.
Thanks Jonathan - that's cool I have the film Creation lined up on Iplayer to watch anyway. Saliva did cross my mind already :BAGUSE: only because I know the painting restorers use a synthetic version of it for primary cleaning so it must be pretty safe.