How to describe this hat?

William Woolley

Registered Guest
Once again, I'm helping an elderly widow clean out her home and make a good-faith effort to sell many of her belongings. The first items she entrusted to me were three hats in their original store boxes (Muir's Department Store, East Orange, N.J.). I'm a fish out of water when it comes to posting a description of these hats, one of which is the subject of this forum entry. I need help, please, in describing this hat in a way that's informative, accurate and appealing. The woman I'm helping told me it's a pillbox-style hat from about 1960. Beyond that, I have no idea what to say, other than that it's made of feathers. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

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I might call it a toque rather than a pillbox, I would call it bumper toque. The feathers are coque (rooster), looks like a mix of hackles and tail feathers.
Thank you so much! I could have Googled all day and never come up with "bumper toque" on my own. "Coque... hackles... tail feathers." My for-sale post is going to make it seem like I really know what I'm talking about! I'll post the three other hats soon, but you have me off to a great start!
William, how awesome that you are doing this for your elderly friend! Wishing you the best of luck in selling the hats.

Thank you! I cleaned out my parents' house years ago. I found it to be a satisfying and educational task, so I've volunteered to help a couple other folks since then. Along the way, I've learned about a wide variety of things, including leather-work, military art, antique swords... and now 1960s-era women's hats! I so appreciate the help I've found here.