How to finish tying these 60s/70s boots?


Staff member
VFG Past President
These apparently handcrafted boots have one very long cord per boot, and it is attached at the bottom. I believe the fastening is as shown, but I haven't been able to decide what would then happen with the remaining cord at the top. Any ideas? I've looked at Native American boots for a clue, but can't find something just like this.



I don't feel the cord should be wrapped at the top because of this great detail it would obscure:

They are pretty cool, aren't they? A little of the East West Musical Instruments vibe.

I can relate on the tying thing...taking forever to get this far with these boots has made me feel like I didn't pay attention in geometry class or something. :wacko:
Just send them to me Maggie - I'll figure something out :)

Love them!

Is there enough room to wrap around twice at the top button? Or perhaps loop it under the last loop and then tuck it inside the boot.
That top button doesn't seem to be able to accomodate the cord twice around, but your second suggestion is about as good as any Deborah. Julie, it doesn't appear that there ever was any other cord.

The thing is, they seem so thought out that I would expect this too to be really thought out.

Glad you like the boots...thanks for your ideas!
Maggie, is the cord long enough to start it at the hole on the bottom, then bring each side even and start crisscrossing between the button and tabs and tie at the top?
Actually there's just one hole at the bottom and the cord is permanently attached in that loop you see in the first photo. If not for that very attached loop, I'd see no reason why one couldn't pull the ends even and work one's way up. Well, and also the cord is probably not quite long enough for that. I could see a few Native American boot photos with this type of looping around buttons, although nothing nearly this tall.
Maggie, those might be modern handmade. Both DH and I have handmade boots that we got from a local old hippie here in Eugene that are shorter but made very similarly. Ours have fewer and subtler decorative elements than yours - the price went up for each cutout or added color. ;-) She used to be a regular at our Saturday Market - I haven't seen her around for a couple of years, she may have migrated north.

For tying, you do a wrap single loop of that dangling end at the top and pull it close to where it came from. I'm not describing it correctly - I can put mine on and get a photo of the way it ties this weekend. They actually came with a little illustrated handout that explained how to tie it.
A-HA! So similar to mine! I wonder how long these have been made similarly? Mine have no maker's marks of any kind, but I wonder if one of the shoemakers you've seen made them? Thank you Maggie! You've solved my mystery.
There was a guy who sold them at Saturday Market, here in Portland, in the 80's. A guy in Eugene (?) sells them also, who worked with him.

(I don't know if he sold them in the 70's, I just remember them in the 80's.)