How would you describe this purse?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
How would you describe this purse?

Specifically, the treatment/material -

Woven raffia? It reminds me of craft squares (is that the right word) where you would put them together and then thread string or ribbon through and make something but its not....


A little cubist looking, or do i need to check my eyes?
I think you're on the right track wth the cubist, and I know exactly what you mean about the material. I think woven raffia describes it pretty accurately. Looks a lot like quilting hexagons too the more I stare at it...

Cool purse!
That is so neat. It makes my eyes hurt. Rubix cube!!!
Opt art! Thats what it is

Its "accidentally" op art lol.

The chain doesn't fold in so i guess i can't call it a clutch.....

For me the frame could go either way - 50s or 60s. i have seen a lot of 50s purses with this sort of a frame but do you think its more like early 60s?
Very geometric looking; I really like the effect at the bottom. I know what you mean about the frame & dating. When I get this type of frame, absent any other distinguishing features for dating, I usually cop out & call it 50s/60s....!
I figured that there really wasn't anything definitive to narrow it down further. :( I would imagine that its correct...handbag styles like this were made straddling both decades. I just WISH it fit in a bit more narrowly but it really doesnt i suppose

I almost always land in the 60s with those elongated kissing clasp shapes, although I think that they were first used earlier.

The patchwork effect makes me lean more to 60s also in terms of what it would be worn with, although patchwork isn't the look of it, and the shape isn't boxy a la Jackie style. More of an Ann Margret bunny look for me.

I see rows of diamonds alternating with rows of chevrons, and the raffia has a silky look in this composition.

Pretty handbag.
