Humple Dumple Miltary (?) Jacket

Picked this up on a whim - thought it would be fun to reseach. Now it isnt as fun since I can't find out very much. I am assuming this is military or military related. It was oddly made in Germany but has a US company on the hangtag (Humple Dumple - who thinks of these names?). I am wondering if you all think the 1947 stamp in the pocket might be an actual year and what, if any branch of the military would this be from? Is it even for the US Military? It is sort of an odd shade of sandy green.

As always - thank you for your input. I appreciate!

UPDATE: Have maybe found some info...could this actually be a German uniform? It looks like NVA refers to the East German army. Any one in Europe familiar?





Yes, it's a uniform jacket from the Nationale Volksarmee--NVA, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). Humple Dumple will be the "surplus" store.

Coincidentally, I recently watched "The lives of Others" (Best Foreign Language Film Oscar 2006) which is set during that period of history. Excellent, chilling movie.
I don't think 1947 is a year. That long line lapel is a much later style, looks 80s. Plus the surplus stores got a ton of East German uniforms when the government changed there in the 80s. You could have outfitted your own private army quite easily.

I google around a few German army/uniform shop pages (sorry, can't post the links here), and it looks like this jacket belonged to a dress/parade uniform since it's double breasted. "Normal" uniform jackets were single breasted. The number 1947 doesn't refer to the year 1947 since the NVA wasn't founded until 1956.
