I found an Ilie Wacs..Now what do I do with it?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by camelbackcat, May 6, 2004.

  1. camelbackcat

    camelbackcat Alumni

    I've never found an Ilie Wacs before and this was part of the infamous GW haul yesterday. Being a complete moron, when it comes to Ilie Wacs, does anyone have any input?
    <img src=http://image.inkfrog.com./pix/camelbackcat/WACSJACKET2.jpg>
  2. pastperfect2

    pastperfect2 Alumni +

    I've sold maybe 4 and kept one. I would actually catbox them. I got okay prices, but not what the quality deserves. He isn't a hot seller right now, but might be in the future.

  3. camelbackcat

    camelbackcat Alumni

    Thanks Hollis. I thought this was a good one to catbox. I did a search and found his stuff just doesn't sell. I will stash it in my closet (probably never to see the light of day again LOL).
  4. bartondoll

    bartondoll Guest

    I would catbox it Joey. Illie Wacs seems to be one of those
    designers that hasn't really caught with the vintage
    buying crowd yet. Another of those great designers whose
    time hasn't come!


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