I got a mini-haul today .... and now update - some really bad photos


VFG Member
... and this is just a tease, because I haven't unpacked the two stuffed bags... but I had to share. The woman is 75 and I got her mother's 20's wedding dress with what I thought was a long shawl and she said is the train... and what she said is her grandmother's wedding dress - which is hard to believe - as it's bold paisley type colors.... and a wonderful funky early uniform (more of a costume) worn by leaders of Camp Fire Girls. These three things were stored in a cedar trunk, so are in pretty good condition.

Naturally photos will be coming, (with questions.) I thought of Lizzie because I got some early sporting outfits. Sadly a lot of the early wool bathing suits were full of holes. Still, I took home some in bad condition as "study pieces" for someone.

It was a fun, but tiring day, as I also sorted through buttons at another home for my friend Matthew and bought a mess of them as well. The man's mother had sewn them onto paper plates.

AND dang is it ever cold out there. AND I am on the board of adjustment for my town and of course we have a meeting in one hour. Blah - I'd rather sort vintage. ;)
OK ... These are pile photos and some of them are out of focus to boot. :BAGUSE:

Here is the camp fire girl outfit - 40's 50's worn by leaders. It's got lots of decorations down the back - beads etc. I found one unadorned on eBay that didn't sell for $9.00, so my glee is probably unfounded.


The woman said this was her grandmother's wedding dress. Huh? It is very old. light wool.


Hopefully better photos this weekend - and of course questions for the experts.

And another lovely out of focus shot... (early and the room is still dark... or perhaps my camera is frozen!)

In the middle is a piece of 20's lingerie that was in the cedar chest and I'm betting it was for the honeymoon. What I really like about it is the blue color - the others I have found have been that peachy pink. On the right is a nice old christening dress. The woman thought it was her father's. It needs to be soaked in something. Oxy?


This one's for Lizzie - the blue outfit on the right is a 40's 50's romper playsuit one piece outfit with a skirt that goes over it. On the left is a nice 40's gown.


Here's a blurry blob of a photo of the 20's wedding dress and veil. :BAGUSE: You get the general idea.

The Camp Fire dress was made by a Senior Camp Fire Girl for ceremonies. The beads are like Girl Scout badges - you had to complete a project and you would earn a bead. 10 small beads earned you a large bead. And each color bead stands for a different category. The red, white, and blue ones were for Citizenship, the green for Outdoors, etc. When a girl entered Senior Camp Fire, each girl made her own gown and attached the beads in any decorative design she wanted. Great haul, Amanda!
I really want to see that blue wool and paisley up on a form. From here it looks like an 1870s/1880s wrapper or day dress. It could have been worn for a wedding if a day dress, I suppose, as wedding dresses in the 19th and early 20th C. were very often a best dress rather than a white dress.

what a pile of possibilities, Amanda! whoo! what fun you have ahead of you!!

i agree that blue paisley is inticing, isn't it?

is it possible granny was with child BEFORE her marriage, therefore the whole white dress thing was bypassed for a really COOL dress????

and you've probably already asked, but does she have photos of said relatives IN the garments?? that would add to your provenance, help in the dating, AND just be really cool. :cool:
You know - she said she had a photo "somewhere" of her mother in the wedding dress, and that is why she knew what I thought was a shawl for the shoulders was in fact a train. I thought about asking her to dig it out ... and then I thought - maybe if she sees the photo she'll change her mind about selling it. :BAGUSE:

I think I will give her time and then call her about the photo.

LOL about pregnant granny - I'll have to look carefully at the cut of that dress. I'm so glad Hollis and Lei have weighed in.