i soooo hate it when you find something like this


Registered Guest
i had this dress along with a load of other items a while ago.. form an old shop that closed down and inside it was like a time capsule... noting got touched until they cleared it out.... when the shop went up for auction...

i had this dress.......1950's simon ellis still with the tags etc....
it must have been absolutely stunning with the two tone blue ......

and now its got loads of black spots and has faded... in places where the sunlight must have been hitting it through the window......

oooooo even now i havent got the heart to put iit into a rag bag......

dont know where to see if someone would want it to un-pick it, and use as a pattern ...... or maybe try and dye it....



Vintage in distress! Yes, I know that feeling..

With things like that where it's only really fit for the rag bin as is, I usually throw caution to the wind and soak it in a very soapy/oxycleany bathtub overnight so it is at least kept flat. Then at least it's clean, and I donate it to my friend the drama teacher to either use as a costume or a cutter.

Once in a while i have a miracle happen and it looks like new, but at least all the other times I feel like at least I didn't just throw it out!
That's such a pity especially with jewel tones being so popular right now. The shop you got it from sounds so neat though! I'd try to dye it, it seems much too pretty for the rag bag.
I know it is pretty but I guess you would guess how much time youwould put into the process and put it against how much can you get for it....

I have a Helen Rose with stains which wont come out..... Iam going to cut it apart and remake into something else. Better than tossing it.....

If you can spare the time try and clean and / or dye as the others suggest~ I've done the same thing with things that seemed beyond redemption and have on occasion been surprised. If you've got nothing to loose it may be worth a shot :USETHUMBUP: