ID Help - Dog figurines


VFG Member
Hiiiiiiii all! Miss you guys mucho! Hope all is well in VFG land. :)

I am stopping by for some assistance with dog breed identification! I figured many of them out as best I could but these three have me totally stumped.

You can see all the figurines in my Flickr page - ikonic

Any ideas?

Hey Mary! Nice to 'see' you, too!

I've done my fair share of googling and looking at pics, I was hoping a real 'dog' person would be able to recognize them. I have a few ideas, but I'd like to really nail 'em down a little better before I list, ya know?
hi justine!

i think #1 looks like a french bulldog.
#2 looks like a stylized dandie dinmont.
#3 looks like a stylized cavalier king charles .

too cute~

The westminster dog show starts tomorrow night -- maybe that will help :D

So helpful ladies! French Bulldog I totally see. I think the King Charles stylized works for #3, too. I also have another that I apparently forgot to photo that someone told me looked like a dandie - I will need to take a pic and show.

Oh man, I didn't even know the dog show started tonight - that is such perfect timing (I never have that!!!).

Thanks all - I'll get that other one photographed tonight.