Illusion Lace Dress. Date? Lace?


Registered Guest
This dress looks custom made. There are notches on the seams and no finishing. Is there a more detailed way of calling this lace just black scalloped? It has a metal zipper down the back. There are no holes whatsoever on the lace or dress...any thoughts?

Yep most definately 1960s dress Very cute dress.. I don't think the term Illusion lace would be appropiate as you can actually seethrough the sleeves and neck right? or is there a "nude" color material lining behind it?

Yes lace and Scalloped would be appropiate but I am sure that some other memebers will have a more appealing term/description! :-)

Originally posted by Jluthye
Yep most definately 1960s dress Very cute dress.. I don't think the term Illusion lace would be appropiate as you can actually seethrough the sleeves and neck right? or is there a "nude" color material lining behind it?

Yes lace and Scalloped would be appropiate but I am sure that some other memebers will have a more appealing term/description! :-)

Thanks, Jennifer.

You are right, it is no illusion, you can see right through the dress. I've seen so many dresses that state it is "Illusion" and evidently that is broad term only on eBay. Go figure. Nadine
Originally posted by Jluthye
Yep most definately 1960s dress Very cute dress.. I don't think the term Illusion lace would be appropiate as you can actually seethrough the sleeves and neck right? or is there a "nude" color material lining behind it?

Yes lace and Scalloped would be appropiate but I am sure that some other memebers will have a more appealing term/description! :-)


Would I be stretching it to use the term "mini" because that is such a loosely used term? I'm from the 60's and "mini" meant about 4" above the knee. Nowadays when I see a dress described as "mini" I go, "Huh?" :wacko:
lol I know what you mean. I personally dont think of it as a mini the way it appears on you mannequin, but I dont think its inappropiate either. Its a good keyword and it would be mininliength on the right legs ;-) especially if this is a bigger dress (it appears to fit real women lol) and if thats the case it looks longer on your small manni but in reality woudl be shorter...

I would go with mini but technically minin is mid thigh or shorter.... so you debate that term lol... I am looking to see if there is a better term for this dress right now.. I am sure there is, but also if you "ebay" it then sometimes keyword hits are more important than being totaly accurate lol.... it is what you tell them it is haha!

Well after looking around I woudl go with Mod... since it is a loose term and so is cocktail dress, and this to me may qualify for that. you could put all three in the title lol jsut for keyword hits i think 1960s mod lace cocktail dress is better....

anyone else?
:scratchchin: Yeah definitely 'Mod' though if I c 'bombshell' and 'wiggle' dress one more time on searches lol! Though saying that.... Mod Lace Wiggle Dress???? .... (sorry jus woken up & hving 1st cuppa) :wacko:
Please don't call it a wiggle dress - it's such an overused term, and whilst the wearer can do lots of things in this dress (sashay, swirl, trip the light fantastic, spill martinis) she's not going to be wiggling unless she makes some alterations to it. I'd call it a cocktail dress.

Agree with mid '60s, although those styles were redone on the '90s, yours sounds older.

I must admit I do so hate that wiggle term too as u see it every where so I really apologise for daring to suggest I had just woken up & was only on my first coffee :icon_dante: so my faculties weren't fully awake! ps also hate 'bombshell', that's so overused.
Originally posted by CircaVintageClothing
Please don't call it a wiggle dress - it's such an overused term, and whilst the wearer can do lots of things in this dress (sashay, swirl, trip the light fantastic, spill martinis) she's not going to be wiggling unless she makes some alterations to it. I'd call it a cocktail dress.

Agree with mid '60s, although those styles were redone on the '90s, yours sounds older.

I LOVE your (sashay, swirl, trip the light fantastic, spill martinis). I actually see this more as A-Line. Wiggle is what I see in some of my mother's old photos at parties. Now that was "wiggle." I think Cocktail works. Thanks, Nadine
Originally posted by awaywiffairies
I must admit I do so hate that wiggle term too as u see it every where so I really apologise for daring to suggest I had just woken up & was only on my first coffee :icon_dante: so my faculties weren't fully awake! ps also hate 'bombshell', that's so overused.

Ha ha! I hear ya! Sometimes I read over what I wrote BEFORE COFFEE and I just cringe. Actually, I spew coffee on my monitor. :duh2:
Originally posted by Linn
I don't see this dress as a "mini" and it is not "Mod" either. I agree with Nicole - it's a mid-'60's cocktail dress.

Thank you, Linn! I'm going to go with the Lace Cocktail Dress.
Wow! I have you ladies to thank! I'm two for two on this one. 60's and scalloped lace.

Thanks again to the wonderful array of people here who have taken the time to help a novice out!