I'm hat impaired: Help with this silver one please?


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I\'m hat impaired: Help with this silver one please?

I love hats, and have a prety extensive personal collection. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I know the right style terms, and dating is sometimes a struggle. I'm prepping this sweet silver hat - still undecided whether to eBay or put it on the website. I'll probably use some photos of both Josephine and Jeanette (you may recognize Jeanette from my logo)





40s, yes? Does this one fit a specific style term? In browsing the hat section of my fashion dictionary, it bears some resemblance to casque, also to a peach basket, except it doesn't have a brim. Right now, my title has conical whimsy hat. Blah.
Nope, no label. Jeanette does highlight the hat nicely, doesn't she? But her head (especially with the molded hair) is slightly smaller than a real human head - smaller than mine certainly. Of course my head is oversized - in a men's hat, I usually wear 7.5! Anyway, I don't want to mislead a buyer about how it will sit and fit in real life.

And on browsing through another referance with hat pictures, other terms that seem to fit at least partially are toque and top hat. I wish it was small enough that I could call it a doll hat.
Could it be mid-30s?

Susan Langley's book has two examples of little hats with pointed crowns in her 1930-1940 section. One is in a mid-30s ad,which is when she says the pointed crown emerged .

Similar examples in that section are termed "top hat" and "Tyrolean", but yours doesn't have the features (flat crown, or feather and upturned asymmetrical front brim) that earn them those names, I think!

Maybe toque is closer, but I don't think of a toque as conical in shape...
Sorta off topic, but the first thing I thought of when I saw this hat were the elves hats from the claymation "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer". "Why am I just a misfit?..."

Its too cute! And I agree that it looks 40s.