I'm SOLD-on Etsy

I\'m SOLD-on Etsy

I have so many vintage purses that I decide to open an Etsy Store. I just opened it and have already had my first sale!
This is very encouraging so I will be filling it up with purses. Yay!


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Buy Vintage
Congrats on sale V P!
I have to tell you, I've been waiting for you to get on a thread so I could tell you a bought my most favorite sundress from you a few years back, and still to this day(i swear) I am filling my nails with the gold file & poodle painted on it!! Superb Marketing & Merchandise!
Marie, you will love Etsy!! Congrats on your sales that is

I hearted you! ♥

OOOhhh! I hearted you too!

I was selling shortly after listing there too. Much more relaxed atmosphere. In fact, I'm convo-ing with a buyer with questions on a bag I have there. I had been returning his messages fairly quickly, and when I was away from the computer for quite a while I returned to two from him. One about the purse, the second curious where I was to have not replied after four hours - not stalker scarey, just pleasant curiosity~
Ahh, am hearted! Thanks. I am still trying to figure everything out there. Hearted, convo, teams...havent done any of that yet but I guess I do need to get on it.

KK- that is so nice to hear. I am so glad you like the dress. We always try to put some little thing in with purchases and it is so cool to know that about the file.

go great to hear good news!! but your bags ARE divine, Marie!!!

way to go!! i'll heart you too when i get back over there (ours is more house-warish, too, so you'll see us as kitschncollectibles)