Importing of exotic animal furs


Registered Guest
Hey, this is my first post here.

Anyways, my question is regarding the legality of importing exotic animal fur into Canada from the UK.

There is a vintage fur coat (fabricated in the 1920s) made of leopard fur that I am looking to purchase from someone in the UK. It would be imported to Canada upon purchase.

I'm guessing that importing a coat made of leopard fur needs to have a permit of some sort, if it isn't outright illegal to do so.

If anyone here could point me in the right direction to go about buying/importing this fur and what permits I may need, or let me know if it's something that would be outright banned from importing, it would be a great help.

Thank you
Welcome to the VFG forums, Nicky!

There is an international agreement regarding endangered species called CITES (Convention of International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).

In the US, it doesn't matter if the fur is vintage, it cannot be bought or sold.

I don't know whether Canada interprets CITES in exactly the same way - here is the pertinent page from the Canadian government website - chances are you will find the answer there.

We have several VFG members who are based in Canada - hopefully they will drop by.
Welcome to the VFG forums, Nicky!

There is an international agreement regarding endangered species called CITES (Convention of International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).

In the US, it doesn't matter if the fur is vintage, it cannot be bought or sold.

I don't know whether Canada interprets CITES in exactly the same way - here is the pertinent page from the Canadian government website - chances are you will find the answer there.

We have several VFG members who are based in Canada - hopefully they will drop by.

Thank you so much for the reply! I'll give the help line number they have listed a call later. It seems tho that importing fur isn't legal, but perhaps someone here can give a more definitive answer.