In search of- Vintage 1920s or 1930s womens coats

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Saira, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    Hello everyone
    I am looking for vintage 1920s and 1930s womens coats that I can purchase please. I am looking for vintage 1920s/1930s coats in any styles, materials and with a shoulder-shoulder measurement of 16 inches and more, and in any colours except grey and black.
    Any price range would be good. Please let me know if you have any that you are selling please. Thank you!
    1920s coats 2.jpg 1920s coats 3.jpg 1920s coats.jpg 1930s coats 2.jpg 1930s coats.jpg
  2. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    Are you on FB? In a selling group call Ooh La La I have been seeing some great 1920s garments, coats included. Lady is in the UK.
    Saira likes this.
  3. Ranch Queen Vintage

    Ranch Queen Vintage Administrator

    Hi Saira, I have this brown wool coat with beaver fur trim - not yet listed - but the shoulder measurement is only 15 1/2" and 14 1/2" across the upper back. Obviously, the fur will need repair. Otherwise, the wool and lining are in excellent condition. I just shot these images quickly, but if you're interested, please PM me and I'll be happy to supply more images and measurements.

    Coincidentally, the store label is the same as this advertising illustration in @bycinbyhand 's shop.



  4. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    omg!! A piece of apparel from that store! I did so much research about this store... such a great rabbit hole!
  5. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    Hello! Thank you so much! Please could I ask her name/Shops name please? Thank you so much!
  6. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    Hello thank you so much! It is lovely, I think unfortunately I'll have to pass just because of the shoulder measurement I am sorry. But if you have any others I will definitely be very interested! Thank you heaps
    Ranch Queen Vintage likes this.
  7. Ooh La La! 1920-1962 Vintage Hive Mind is a Facebook group, just search on FB for them. Anyone in the group can sell or buy there. It was started by a UK person but is an international group and it seems most members are in the UK or the US. You will have to ask to join the group and wait for approval.
    Saira likes this.
  8. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    The group is on Facebook - Ooh La La? 1920-1962 Vintage Hive Mind (as Donna mentioned). The woman's name is Lori Jade.
    Saira likes this.
  9. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    thank you so much!
    The Vintage Vendeuse likes this.
  10. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    thank you so much I appreciate it!
  11. Jonathan

    Jonathan VFG Member

    Are you looking for these for film work? I catch a slight desperate tone - like time is of the essence. I ask because I may be able to help, but not right away. I know we have some for resale but they are packed away and not measured. Also, I'm not sure about colours. Black I know I have... the others, not so sure...
    Saira likes this.
  12. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    Hello, thank you so much for your message! Ohh no I am looking to buy for myself for everyday wear :) thank you that would be wonderful, I would definitely be very interested in them, and I will be happy to wait as long as needed no worries at all! Thank you so much!
  13. plousia

    plousia Registered Guest

    I'd be interested in seeing these as well Jonathan, or anything the museum has for resale.
  14. Jonathan

    Jonathan VFG Member

    We won't be having our usual Encore boutique this summer because the store we use as a pop-up has been rented by a Brazilian restaurant and they have poured tens of thousands of dollars into redoing it. So we will, at some point, mount a sale in the museum during the summer. I will announce when we plan to have it here.
  15. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    Thank you so much, thats sounds awesome! Please can I request, I live in New Zealand so unfortunately I won't be able to attend the sale in person, please could I request if I could see and potentially buy a few pieces from you online if possible? Thank you so much!
  16. Jonathan

    Jonathan VFG Member

    don't get too excited, the coats may all be black...and small
    Saira likes this.
  17. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    haha no worries at all I am sure I'll find a piece I like! :)
  18. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    Hello everyone, thank you so much for your help. Please if anyone is selling/know of any vintage 1920s and 1930s womens coats available currently, please do let me know! :)
    Thank you so much! :)
  19. Michelle Schneiter

    Michelle Schneiter Registered Guest

    I may have something you'd like. When I get back to my office, I'll drop you a photo.
    Saira likes this.
  20. Saira

    Saira Registered Guest

    Hello Michelle thank you so much that sounds wonderful! thank you I really appreciate it! :)

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