INFO--Catherine Ogust and/or Festival Clothing


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Hi--I just bought two really cute probably 60's outfits and I am not sure of any history or value. I dabble in selling vintage clothing, primarily from late 50's to 70's. I have not heard of these makers however. One is a ribbed day glo orange colored 2 pc suit, label reads "FESTIVAL" with something in Japanese (I think) underneath. (See photos linked below). The second is a shift type dress with a blue, black, and white modern design, label reads "Catherine Ogust for Penthouse Gallery". It is also signed "Ogust" vertically just to the right of the last button. Any information or help is kindly appreciated. Thanks!
Festival full view

Festival suit button

Festival suit label

Ogust dress full view

Ogust dress label

Ogust dress signature
The Ogusts do sell. Not for real big money but there are collectors of her stuff
The majority of her dresses have large bold prints but I have actually come across two myself that didn't have the bold print

There is a gal here Joey that collects them hopefully she will come around and give you more insight.

Did you look the label up on the label resource?
Had things to do and just had a chance to check out the Ogusts and apparently right now they aren't selling. You might want to wait till they are selling. That is if you are planning on selling on ebay.
I will also add that ebay is not always the best place for everything if you are considering selling them. And just because the last few that were on ebay (or are on ebay now) aren't seeming to sell doesn't mean they are worthless. It is catch as catch can and a lot of times just depends on who has stumbled upon it, who you are marketing it to how the garment is described so people can find and its merits aside from the label (size, cut, uniqueness, wearability, condition, time of year).

So, if you are looking for a value or if you made a good buy, then I would take ebay out of the picture as trends on ebay can be fleeting and temporary, it is based on if two people decide to fight over it or not, and this also is probably a label (Ogust) that has not really reached its full potential and may in the future. If you were selling this at a shop in a optimum area, pricing would be completely different.
I did look on the label resource, and the was a few pictures of different Catherine Ogust labels, but no information. I couldn't find anything on the other outfit. I have a booth at an antique store, so ebay prices don't really influence my pricing. However, as far as getting ripped off, I paid $3 for the Catherine Ogust dress and $4 for the Festival suit. I wish someone knew about the suit though because I think its really nifty. Thanks for your help and I hope others who also know things see this and will share.
Hi! I do collect Catherine Ogust dresses. I don't know much about them, but will tell you what I can. Almost all are some variation of the one that you have. There are different geometric designs and different colors however. Most have an obi sash..all are cotton..all are signed "Ogust" and all (that I have seen) are for Penthouse Gallery. There are a few Ogust's that are solid colored..usually bright pinks etc. No one has really been able to research either her or Penthouse Gallery..just a lot of dead ends.
There are a number of collectors who are convinced that Ogusts' are the Puccis of the future. An equal number of collectors (or more) don't think they will ever be worth anything. When buying on Ebay, I try not to spend more than 8.00 for an Ogust. At the thrifts, I try to stay in the 4.00-6.00 range. They don't sell well on Ebay. I think the highest I've seen one go for is 25.00.
I do think they are worth collecting and I think you definately price it for a better price somewhere other than Ebay. One of these days, I imagine they'll be worth at least 20.00 each LOL!!
That is interesting Joey...

you know i was thinking, maybe your explanation of the tendencies (all variations on a theme), etc, should be in the label resource. I know you might not think it is much, but it is definitely quite a lot even though it is not all the historical facts that you might want to be able to give
Joey didn't I sell you one that was like a plain orange or was that plain pink. I remember it wasn't the usual print.
:DIt was hot pink!
If you all think this is something the label resources needs, I'll be happy to add it. I will get out all my Ogusts' (about 25) and see if there is a particular commonality of geometric themes. I actually think that might be interesting. Oh, I forgot, most Ogusts' have frog closures as well.
And if you know anything about date range that you can guess on, or where they were sold, or anything like that I am sure Lizzie would want that. I never knew they were all such variations on the same theme, Right now, there is nothing at all.

Maybe you could take photos and have your own virtual Ogust museum :) hee hee.
Actually, I've dabbled with the idea of photographing all the Ogusts'. You know that I'm a MAJOR procrastinator,but that's something I will definately try to put together. I would like to know exactly when the dresses were produced/sold. My "feeling" is the 70's but that's just a feeling. As many of you know, the net has virtually NOTHING on Catherine Ogust and/or Penthouse Gallery (which BTW) has nothing to do with the porno mag. I am embarrassed to admit that I was given her son's phone number and I was too scared to call him. I still have the number...even though it's been a year since I was given the number...I'm very shy about phoning people etc. Hmmm, I'll have to consider it though.
I would love to see that someday, Joey!

I know what you mean about calling people out of the blue. It could surprise you...he might be just waiting for someone to call and chat about his mother's work.
I see suits like that sometimes and I'm always drawn to them... my guess is that they're of more modern manufacture in China (right? Chinese writing?). I saw one the other day that was a dead ringer for a 40's suit with incredible quilting in the shape of a rose on either shoulder front.
Best guess... 80's, 90's, but with a late 50's flair?

Good luck with it :-)

Thanks a lot! I am actually not sure it's could be Japanese or who knows? It could be Russian for all I know....terrible with languages. Anyhow, you guys have been very helpful....:D
So, Joey, any idea what a fair asking price for the Ogust would be? I am doing an upcoming vintage clothing show and I plan to take it with me.
I don't know exactly what a fair price would be. I've seen them priced in some vintage online stores in the 30.00 dollar range. I've even seen them at 60.00, but I have no idea if they sold. As you know, on ebay, you are lucky to fetch 10.00 for one. Give it a try at a higher price. The dresses are distinctive, vintage (if we're right in our assumption that they are late 60's to 70s) and good quality.
I will be interested to hear how it goes!