Info for 1970's Dresses

A Bailey

Registered Guest
y 70's dresses in stock at the moment and I wanted to ask those more knowledgeable on how rare dresses like these are.

The first is a velvet gown, full length here's the picture:

The second is a more medieval inspired long gown dress.

We have fallen in love with both of them, it's a hazard of the job, falling in love with your own stock! I'd love to know if any one else has dresses like these, I'm really reluctant to sell them, surely they belong in a collection (if not mine) as they define that 70's look.

Thank you,

A Bailey
Fashion Director

Hello, sorry, just read the rules, rule breaker me, wrist slapped, but I'd still love to know more about these two dresses so please if any one has any knowledge they can share. Thank you.
Hi A Bailey, and welcome to the forums. The first one looks like a house coat or dressing gown. The second one has a very impressive collar. I'm not sure how rare and sought after they are, but if you can show us the labels it will help.
Thank you Nicole, I'll take a few snaps of the labels and pop them up. I'm fascinated by both, maybe the 70's is my thing as a child of the time. Thanks for the warm welcome x.
The second dress is rarer for not being shortened - I regularly see this style for sale at knee length or above. Being 5'9" I particularly seek full length 1970s dresses for their longer than usual length and decent hems to let down. 60" being the ideal. I'm sure you're aware the full length gowns from well known brands of this era do very well and any that have been shortened are devalued dramatically.

I agree with Nicole the first garment is a dressing gown, some you can present as wearable dresses, I think you would struggle with this one unless it's marketed as a winter dress.
AT LAST! I have found people who share my passion. Thanks Melanie, that's really helpful I'll add that nugget of wisdom to the items description.
Interested reading this thread as I'm going through lots of 1970s gowns in our amdram wardrobe. When you say certain brands of unshortened gowns do well, are there any brands which spring to mind Melanie? Love the second Medieval style dress - beautiful.
Ok here's the label for the two dresses the long wing collar one first:

Now the house coat / dressing gown - it's a Gossard!

They are both originally from the USA, but are now both in the UK with us.
