Info needed on 40s-50s designer Kenn Barr


Registered Guest
Hello! I am new to the site. I really appreciate the label resource list. It's been very helpful. I have just purchased an a-line ruched black crepe skirt with velvet bows. The label is sewn into the waistband at an angle but reads CASINO original by Kenn Barr.

I have been unable to find anything about this designer except that he was the costume designer for many broadway plays in the 40s-50s. I am unsure of this garments date, and would like to know more about the designers brand. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

The waist band has eye-hook closures and a very heavy duty silver 'talon' zipper.
Although a 1950 article referred to Kenn Barr as a new costume designer for the theater, there was a reference to his colorful costumes in a 1946 article and a 1935 article about the Oxford Players referred to him as "the comedian of the Oxonians (and) also the stage and costume designer." It added that he used to work for Eva LeGallienne and Hubert Osborne at the Goodman Theater in Chicago.

An April 1952 article about new fashions mentioned the mid-calf pants designed by "Kenn Barr of Anthony Sportswear."

A 1959 article about Kenn Barr noted that the "tall, blonde, aristocratic-looking designer" was hired by Casino Classics five years before and designed women's sportswear for them. They added that he was "known for his fresh, young, original designs" and "also does many special custom styles for the theater." While working for Casino Classics he designed seven collections each year and they included beachwear and "country clothes to very dressy cocktail and after-five separates."

The last references to Barr I found were in several 1960 ads.