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Info Needed on casual mink jacket C1980\'s
Hello to all the fashion fans on the forum!
Does anyone remember whether it was Bob Mackie or Claude Montana who did the first casual mink jackets (in the late '70's early 80's)? I'm remembering an advertisement for a sporty, Blackglama (I think), hooded jacket with a front zipper...quite a departure from the standard styling at that time. I'm Googled out, and wondered if any members might remember the jacket and who was the designer?
If by some fluke you could send me a link so I could view the ad again, it would be terrific. Thank you!
Hello to all the fashion fans on the forum!
Does anyone remember whether it was Bob Mackie or Claude Montana who did the first casual mink jackets (in the late '70's early 80's)? I'm remembering an advertisement for a sporty, Blackglama (I think), hooded jacket with a front zipper...quite a departure from the standard styling at that time. I'm Googled out, and wondered if any members might remember the jacket and who was the designer?
If by some fluke you could send me a link so I could view the ad again, it would be terrific. Thank you!