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Hello! I just discovered your website, and what an incredible abundance of marvelous resources and information it has! Really happy to have found it, and also perfect timing as I just recently purchased a coat from a vintage clothing store in San Francisco and am very interested if anyone knows anything about the label? I've tried looking around online and can't seem to find ANY information :/.
The coat itself is heavy, wool, buttons down the front, lined. It is really well fitted at the waist. I was told the fur cuffs are fox fur (not the best photo I have of the coat, I know).
I'd love to hear if anyone has any knowledge about the coats origin though!
The coat itself is heavy, wool, buttons down the front, lined. It is really well fitted at the waist. I was told the fur cuffs are fox fur (not the best photo I have of the coat, I know).
I'd love to hear if anyone has any knowledge about the coats origin though!