Interesting article about Barbara Hulanicki of Biba fame and what she is doing now...

Very cool article, thanks for linking it! As a side note, if I look half as good as she does at 73 I will be stoked beyond belief.
Originally posted by queen0ftheang3ls
Very cool article, thanks for linking it! As a side note, if I look half as good as she does at 73 I will be stoked beyond belief.

No kidding! Me too!
Thanks for that link Jonathan!

Barbara Hulanicki is quite a spikey character, and you might be interested to hear what she thinks about vintage clothes from this interview last year:

But she's still one of my idols, and I agree, she looks amazing at 73.

Has anyone seen the recent documentary about her - 'Beyond Biba'? I'd love to see it but its not on general release.
