Interesting site about fashion, style and old age...

I have been hoping this film will make it my local "art" theater, The Art Cinema. I am going to ask if they can show it as I know it would be a huge hit here.

I almost cannot wait to get really old so I can start wearing all of my unusual clothing again. If I have not sold it all off by then!
You got that right, Nicole! I believe it actually takes a little more guts to step out when you are on the mature side of life than when youth is on your side....young people look good whatever, that is most of the time! As the old saying goes, "growing old is not for sissies!" I used to couldn't imagine what it was like to be older and didn't appreciate the true courage and beauty of some that I have known over the years....I sure do appreciate them now!
Oh believe me, I did not wait to wear any of the stuff in my collection! I have worn a lot of it, for the past 40 years, but had to face reality and lay it aside lately as I was older and fatter and living in a WAY WAY WAY too casual city in Southern California. When I get a little older, say 10 or 20 years from now (God willing) I am wearing everything...and all at once!

In my city, if I wear a skirt or dare I say....a vintage hat.... or God help me a pair of pretty gloves if it gets a little chilly.... people ask me why I am "dressed up". Dear God!!!
Yes, it's the same here in Australia Barbara - I think we share a few things with our California cousins. If I wear a hat, people ask if I'm "off to the Races"! Never mind how casual a hat it might be (I have about six sunhats, how else am I going to keep the wrinkles at bay?)
Oh, be brave...wear a hat, Barbara! They can only think that you're a bit balmy, and what the Hell! I've never worried about what other people think....just wanted to wear the clothes and accessories that I had and loved. I have been so pleasantly surprised by the positive reaction to people especially when I have worn a hat or vintage's opened up many an interesting conversation and the chance to tell someone about how exciting vintage really is! I've never wanted to keep my things put away for a time to come.....never knowing if I will be afforded that time.