Is it fake fur? Or lamb? Help!


VFG Member

I'm new here! I hope someone can help - just bought a 30s/40s (I think) coat that I assumed was fake fur. However, there's a little tear and the backing looks, well, more like skin than anything synthetic. The fur is dark, golden brown and it just doesn't have a natural feel. I wonder if this is mouton lamb? If anyone has handled this skin - does it feel quite synthetic? The style of the coat, the lining particularly, makes me think it's 30s or 40s - did they even have fake fur then (gawd, showing my ignorance here, sorry)?
I know that photos would be rather helpful, but my camera is out and about on loan, so I hope my slightly rubbish description is good enough.
Hi Sarah, without pictures it is hard for us to determine and sometimes even with pictures but if the backing is a skin then I would venture to say it is real, the mouton fur that I have is super soft.

Check out the fur resource here, it may help you to determine.
also..if you can get to the underside of the fur....which if real skin would feel like shammy leather or if dried out cripsy dried out shammy leather...try looking under the lining...
Thanks guys. The underside certainly feels like skin, but I wouldn't describe the fur as super-soft. It does look a lot like the mouton lamb on the Fur Resource page though... To add to my confusion, just been into a shop where a coat with a very similar feel was labelled as Beaver. So was another coat, which felt completely different, much longer hair, definitely felt like fur. So really puzzled now! Perhaps I will resurrect this thread once I have my camera back and can post some pics.
I've been really bemused by mouton in the past - it's certainly the thing that if it weren't for the age of certain things I would just assume it was good fake fur. The swing coat I have is shorn very short, and is just very cuddly (if that counts as a technical definition!)