Is the Vintage Fashion Guild a corporation? Does anyone have access to the Vogue Archives?


Registered Guest
Hi everyone!
I'm considering forking out the 1.5k for a year of vogue archives? Curious if anyone here has it? It sounds like a wonderful resource, and since I'm not at a university that offers anything other a History of Costume class (once every three years.. ugh!), I'm really teaching myself everything I'd like to know about vintage fashion. Does anyone have any opinions on Vogue Archives? It sounds amazing.

Also curious if the Vintage Fashion Guild is considered a corporation, and able to get the corporate pricing if members decided to organize something. The only information I found on corporate pricing is this: "A school of art with an FTE of around 3500, for example, would pay approximately $3100 annually." So definitely seems like it'd be cheaper than the individual price if there were enough people.. there would obviously be less than three thousand, but you get the idea. Would you guys be able to include it in membership fee's and therefore a membership perk? That's probably too out there.. I'm just throwing idea's around. Hopefully I don't sound too crazy.

Edit: Okay, maybe doing something with members is too much, but still would be interesting if there were enough people that wanted access.
?? would this be something that library members would have access to? ProQuest does supply things to our library, I'll have to see what I can find...

I believe this has been discussed before here on VFG and had been possibly looked into, although no decision was made as yet. Or the discussion never panned out. I do agree it would be a great thing for our members.

VLK94, you might be aware of this, but becoming a member of the VFG requires much more than just paying the annual membership fee. There is an application process, professional review, etc. I only add this as I am not sure of your intent in posting this, but your words implied that you were thinking of applying for membership in order to get free or reduced cost access to the Vogue archives. That would not be an option for you now, even if we did have access to the archives for our members.

Of course we are always looking for new members, and we welcome new applicants, I only meant that it involves more than simply paying a fee in order to join.

Thank you for refreshing this idea, however.

Don't worry. I'm very aware. I wasn't even hoping to get a free ride to archives, I'm just willing to pay the $1.5k as an individual and thought it'd benefit me, and anyone else interested, if we did it as a group. I'm not sure but if cost is an issue, seems as though it'd be wise to open it up to more than just members. It was just a thought. :)

Interesting to know that it's been discussed before! Again, it sounds amazing.