Is there a good resource for dating shoes?


One of our members, Jonathan Walford, has written 2 books on shoes. I have found these book to be an extremely valuable resource and I am sure you will also. One is titled "The Seductive Shoe", and the other title is "Shoes A to Z" and you can see the covers and learn more by clicking on the Books by VFG Members link here on the VFG website. Look under Member Projects and a link should pop right up.
Thanks for that, it does look wonderful. But I was looking not so much for information on certain brands/designers. But more like how you can tell the age of a shoe from the sizing marked or unmarked, the type of heel/sole etc. More for me to tell if a shoe is from the 50s or 60s for example. Or is it more if you know the manufacturer you can tell what decade it is from?
I found some info in the dating guide, that should be a start for me. But if anyone has a good site still that would be appreciated. :)
Jonathan's book, The Seductive Shoe, is my favorite, and it is LOADED with information that helps date shoes ~ heel shapes, heights, materials, and much much much much more. It is THE resource for shoes. AND it looks fabulous on a table top, besides!