Is there any way to date Thai cotton prints?

carla rey

VFG Member
Hi all!
I was wondering if anyone had any information on dating some cotton Thai fabric. I have this lovely Pake muu in a bright cotton peacock print. The selvage is marked Phathana Pusp. 100% made in Thailand No. 1815. Back metal Venus zipper, nicely sewn with wide seam allowances. I go between modern fabric made with a vintage pattern and zipper to 1950s.

Any insight appreciated!
Thank you!

DressPakeMuuPeacock-18_RT.jpgDressPakeMuuPeacock-24_RT.jpgLabelsanddetails-86_RT.jpg2015-10-20 10.39.30.jpg 2015-10-20 10.48.46.jpg Labelsanddetails-85_RT.jpg
Hi Carla,

As with anything home made I would analyse the construction techniques and the measurements: the proportions often suggest a particular era, eg bigger bust/waist/hips difference in the '50s, slim arms and small armscyes in the '60s.

Home sewers often use techniques and proportions that are not of their time of course, but the clues can often be pieced together to give an indication. For example, it looks like your dress has wide seam allowances but no seam finishing, suggesting it's post '70s but pre '90s or made by someone who appreciates seam allowances, eg an older woman.

With the small and high armsceyes and unfinished seams I think your dress might be '70s - before the armscyes got bigger and looser in the '80s.
I would second Nicole's dating of 70's together with my impression that the colours used are more at home in that era than any other: tan/yellow ochre, orange, black, cobalt blue and the peacock was a popular motif at this time as well wasn't it?