Is This A 20s Dress?


Registered Guest
Hi everyone!

I was thinking about buying this dress from someone, to sell, or to wear myself...and she doesnt know how old it is. Not having held it myself or seen it in person I can say if it is 20s or some sort of 20s STYLE dress. Either way its cute...but i was hoping you all could give me a clue. ?? Thank u!



It's a bit hard to tell because the lines of the stand are getting in the way but it looks to be a late '20s-early '30s evening gown. They're usually floor length so I suspect it's been shortened (or shrunk a lot?).

For a moment, I thought the black pipes of the display stand were seam or trim lines- and was boggled at the sewing skill!

I agree with Joanthan that these were usally worn over black slips, but if it's in really good condition, a contrast slip can show up the lace beautifully. Nude tone slips work well for that, too.

I personally would say " Deco" dress, which is the same time period as has already said just takes it away from people thinking it's 20's as in a an early 20's one.

the design remind me in a way of clarice cliff bizarre jugs, sorry I cannot add any more to what's been said

It's lovely, and I would definitely make the purchase if it is in good condition, as mentioned about the lace and silk being supple and not dry.

Looks like late 1920's time period. I think that may be the original length, when the young Flappers and more daring older women wore them the shortest ever. If you wear it, don't forget to rouge your knees!

Darling, and thanks for showing it. B
Just wanted to thank you all for your replies! I went to buy it and the seller had removed it for some reason! Maybe it wasnt in as good shape as she previously stated. Who knows..oh well! Thank you!