Is this a 40s coat from Siam (thailand)


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Hello all its me again!!! told you I have alot coming through... :-)

I have absoulutly no experience with coats other than old movies lol... SO i sw this one and has a style that I guess couild be 60ish wild guess... but no gut feeling either way... I thought it was a plain ordinary light long jacket.

When photoraphing it the buttons felt odd. so i flip them over to fing sterling stamped on them and made in Siam.

So quick wikiopedia and siam changed to thailand in 1939... then in 1944-1949 they tried siam again. So then looking back at this coat I think it does look 40ish....

so questions I am asking... is this truely a 40s coat and from the dates mentioned, not a novelty item. The button are obviously sterling silver, but are they filled with gold? and is this a part of a womans suit? or is it a jacket by itself.

There are not labels but is was well made silk and sating lined, satin linining/hem lines on the out side too. there are 10 buttons all in good shape just faded, and they appear to be silver with a black layer on top and then etched/engraved with the "goddess" and then filled with gold?

Thank you all any info, descriptive words, or tips would be appreciated!!

I honestly do not think so... I bought the estate for a 104 year old woman and she bought all designer stuff pretty much. She was the wife of a brigadier General. her closet consisted of christian doir (nly 2 pieces so far) bonwitt teller frost brothers, neimun marcus saks and stuff... If I recall correctly he was there in thailand when I looked him up online in this era. Let me check again real quick. but he went out of country a bit and I have a bolero that I have yet to post but someone who was personaly at the auction stated that I have a bolero form the 40s/50s that is from Saudi Arabia and there was an arabic dress that was auctioned seperately (i did not bid on :-) ) so I am confused with this one... the sleeves look older but the length and cut of the coat look newer than 40s... but then again its too wide inthe waist to be a dress (i thought it might be a dress but there are no belt loops and I have not found a matching belt.? so there in lies the dilema on what it is and the age..... lol ... hmm Im thinking she had her stuff grouped together in storage pretty much by age... except the stuff she still wore... and it came out of the group of clothes that was 60s and below.. so I know it has to be at least 60s ? I hope that helps I am going to look up his tour record again to check the dares he was in the arabic region!

UPDATE ok so he was in Okina Japan in 1948-1950 an then he went to saudi arabia in late 1950 early 51 -1952
The buttons could have been added at any time.

I remember as a kid, my first purchase of nielloware was a bracelet my Dad bought me at an outdoor vendor in Chinatown, L.A.

Actually, I think that was when the Chinese & Hispanic vendors were in close proximity to each other around Alavera Street. Anyone else remember that? Jus curious...

Also - the jewelry, buttons, etc can be bought today, still.

So - I'm absolutely NO Help to you, but I do dig the coat. :USETHUMBUP:
more pics

Ok I am adding more pica to help get an idea of the construction,,, I hope this helps.. thanks for picking your brains.

Thanks for the neillo ware :-) i think that is these buttons.. the only thing is mine are black and silver but there is a lot of gold in them to and wiki said they are only silver? Quote form wiki: "Nielloware is classified as only being black and silver colored. Other colored jewelry originating during this time uses a different technique and is not considered niello."

you think this was just a "jazzier" button lol? thanks again!!!:adore: Also wiki said these were common gifts from military to women between the 20's and 70's :-)
Awesome and thank you! so originaly thought of 60s then.... jsut when I start getting dresses now I get coats lol! ....and I will do on the posts sorry about that lol :-) and thank you for your help!