Is this a 40's dress? -or did I miss the mark??

Is this a 40\'s dress? -or did I miss the mark??

I hope it's ok to post after just posting yesterday.

I'm guessing this very large dress is from the 40s based on the turned-up sleeves, the large patch pockets at hips, belting at waist and side Lamar zipper. Maybe early 40s because it seems shorter, but there is no hem tape so maybe it was shortened.

Dress is in mint condition. Label at neckline was removed except for a piece still attacked to seam.

So do you think this is from the 40s??? If not please let me know what dates it for you so I can continue learning.

Best to us all,
I agree. It looks like a 50s house dress that has been shortened, or perhaps that is your camera angle. What is the length from shoulder to waist and shoulder to hem? Is the lace at the neckline original or a later addition?
Darn I thought the side zipper would put it in the 1940s.

Hi Jonathan, yes hem appears to be redone - no hem tape. (p.s. -am just starting to read your book...this should help me)

Jody, shoulder seam to waist is approx. 16" and waist to hem is 26 1/2".
This dress has a 41" waist.

Lace is hand sewn in with a lighter tread color to match lace. Thread color for lace matches color used to sew the "tacked down" shawl style collar. (sorry I'm not sure what it's called)

Pockets are actually incorporated in a yoke that runs across the front of the hips. Also there is an 8" kick pleat.
That "hip bucket" line is usually 50s. And I agree, it's been hemmed up quite a bit. That's what is throwing the proportions off.

Thanks Hollis, "Hip bucket" line is a new term for me. Perfectly describes the look!

Thank you all for your feedback and answering my question.
Yup, I missed the mark with the 40s guess.:icon_wall:

Best to all,