Is this a victorian microbeaded bag?


VFG Vice President
VFG Past President
Hello, This purse belonged to a lady who is 102 years old. She said it was given to her by her grandmother when she was a little girl. She told me it was victorian. I see that some of the victorian microbeaded bags are very collectable and I was wondering if this was one of them.

Each side is decorated with a bird, pink flowers, and trees and the inside is also beautiful with roses at the inside edges. The inside feels like silk. The frame on top is floral decorated metal? with a snapping closure and a strap.

The size is about 6 x 8.

Can you please have a look and tell me what you think?






Thank you, Caryn
Thanks Barbara. I hope others will respond. Do you know if the Edwardian ones are also collectable? Thanks, Caryn
I've sold quite a few of these in the past and agree with barbara on the date.

Where do you sell your items? Etsy? Ebay? Do you have a website?
You can't post a link to your selling site but you can tell us where you sell and your seller ID--since I asked-- so I can look you up. Thanks~
Hi Pinky-A-GoGo, I appreciate your confirmation. I sell on ebay and my user name is specialneedzvintage.

I am not a member here but I always refer to members here for assistance when I am not sure.

Thank you, Caryn
Gorgeous bag, Vgirl!

Borders Books is having a going out of business sale - you might want to go there and take a look at their antiques/collectibles book section for a book on vintage beaded bags and compare yours to those pictured.

A good place to start is to look inside the metal frame for a maker's stamp. Sometimes there are small cloth tags inside the lining with the country of origin, such as Czechoslovakia, Germany, Austria, etc.
Thank you. I looked for a cloth tag inside but maybe I did not look good enough. I will look again. I will scour the frame too for any imprinted writing.

I better find Border's Books. I want to get books on everything from clothing, hats, handbags, and accessories over the decades. I already purchased two; one by Jonathan and one that has not come yet by another member here to learn more about hats that was recommended in another post I made.

I really enjoy reading online and if people like the members here compiled their information and made ebooks on all of the various information I would subscribe to read them for sure.

In fact you all help me so much that I wish I could afford to donate to the VFG everyday.

Thanks, Caryn
I'm thinking that's early 1900s up to 1908. Any maker stamp in the frame?
I did not find a maker stamp in the frame. I am wondering if it is hidden underneath the rosed edges.
There is so little written on this topic and the only books I have seen tend to be 'collector' books that don't have very good identifications in them. I have been keeping my eye on period advertisements in magazines etc. but there isn't much out there. In fact a good book on the history of bags before 1930 would be a good topic for somebody in the know... It definately looks like European work to me, perhaps Austrian or Dutch and the quality of the beading is better than the quality of the frame. Its not the tiniest 'sand' beads, but they are smaller than seed beads. From similar ones I have had or have that came with provenance, I would suggest 1918 - 1923ish.
Hello, I went back to the lady who I got this from and asked her if she could call the 102 year old lady this belonged to to ask her if she could remember how old she was when she got it and where it came from and so she did.

I was very surprised that the lady knew with certainty exactly when she got this little bag. She said that she positively got this when she was 4 from her grandma. She did not use purses back then so it was put up and by the time she got to be of age to use a purse it was something special from grandma that was kept in safe keeping. She never used it and it was never handled at all.

She did not know where her grandma got it or how long before but she said her family was from Germany so I am thinking that there is a good possibility that Germany is where it came from.

Barbara, The book I was speaking of was Vintage Hats & Bonnets: Collectors ID & Value Guide 1770-1970 by Susan Langley.

Barbara, No problem. Thanks for helping and asking. Have you written any books? Thanks, Caryn