Is this background too washed out for the lace Emma Domb?


Registered Guest
I have two backgrounds I use, black and this pale blue. Is this too washed out for this white lace dress?

Also any suggestions for a price point for the mall?


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Hi advice on pricing (I'm struggling with mall pricing myself). But in my opinion, the background is too light for the dress. It just doesn't pop, and I have to study the picture to separate dress details from background. I'd try it with black. Or maybe someone here can tell you how to change the background color in your photo editing program so you won't have to re-shoot.. Again, I can't help you there bacause I'm still struggling with that, too..!

I agree with Patsy. I would def go with the black. I would also promote that as a great dress for a vintage wedding!

I have a pink lace emma in my mall shop. You can look at that for a price comparison (click my mall link below). I think there are other emmas in the mall too. Just do a search for Domb.

Best of luck!
