Is this boucle? And is the style mod?


Registered Guest
Hi there!

Ok, even though this is from the back of the closet, it's by no means something I don't like. I love it actually, I was just too lazy to sell it during the colder weather. Hopefully the sleeveless factor of the dress will help.
What year? What would be some kw's?
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It's very *very* mod (in the British sense - mod seems to mean different things across the water. British mod is sharp, smart, geometric dressing with none of the frills, swirls, boldness and fuss of American mod... British mods stand out in a cool, smart and sophisticated way, American mods are more far-out and groovy).

It's also a piece of "red white and blues" which British mods love. Can't get enough geometric patterned smart outfits in those colours. The Faces (the top mod guys) love girls wearing red white and blues. And this dress is deffinately for a true modette, not for a ticket (wannabe/trainee mod).

It's mid-60s, probably about 1965.

I'd play up the smart geometric mod-ness of it.

KWs - mod, modette, geometric, scooter-girl... and mentioning "red white blue" wouldn't harm either.

This sort of stuff is usually found under the heading "60s twiggy mod go-go scooter-girl" which is a bit daft as most of the stuff isn't quant, wouldn't have been worn by Twiggy, you can't go-go dance in it and sitting astride a scooter would spoil the cool aloofness of it... but we've all got used to those words, so we now search for them. :(

Don't know about the material, can't see it well enough really... but it doesn't seem boucle. Boucle is sort of bobbly - a woolen thread with loops and curls in it, and it's usually a heavy woven or knitted fabric.

love, moons and starrs,
GREAT POST SENTI!! I am going to save it!! Those descriptions help soooo much!!!

You totally cool chick, you!!!!!!


~Maureen :hiya:
Oh sorry Vix, I almost forgot to say... you can kinda think of boucle as poodle-ish looking. It's very nubby. Here's the definition from my fashion dictionary:

Boucle' (boo-clay) - Woven or knitted so that surface has looped or knotted appearance.

Boucle' Yarn - Novelty yarn with loops, producing nubby fabrics.

Hope that helps.

I hate to reference a victoria's secret catalog, but is the best example picture that i know of that really shows what boucle looks like. It is hard to show sometimes unless you scan the fabric...but then you sometimes lose the look too.

Boucle Sweater


PS: VERY VERY Mod and cute too!

"Red White Blue British Look 60s Mod Dress/Jacket" ???
Very sharp! Looks like boucle to me too.

I have nothing to add, because Senti's post is truly the <i>last word</i>! What a wealth of information from our Mod scholar!


I'm all embarrassed now! It's nothing special, just things I've picked up from hanging out in the mod scene for too long.

Lots of my mod mates have commented on how knowledgable I am about mod styles and things... but I don't call myself a mod around them because I deffinately don't follow the "rules"... but then the Faces always invent their own styles don't they, but I can't be a Face, they don't have female Faces. :( If I like a particular thing I do it, and then when everyone else starts doing it I change to something else... and go back to it when it's stopped being boringly commonplace again.

And if you call me a "mod scholar" you'l have Paulo Hewitt on my case! Geometric badges sound good though! LOL! No capes, I have at least two capes (so many clothes I'm unsure what I've got!) and hardly ever wear them!

I do think this dress is fantastic and deeply mod though, so I hope someone super cool and worthy of it gets it. :)

love, moons and starrs,
Well -

had to Google Paulo Hewitt :) I assume he's the arbiter of many music/style-related things in general, Mod in particular - but the 2nd result that came up was a review of his of a Joy Division record circa 1980, which certainly took me back! I'm sure I still have a Joy Division EP around here somewhere...

between looking for it & coming up with some ideas for a Mod badge :hysterical:-- bingo! perfect activities while I'm procrastinating, not listing the barge-loads of clothes I have here ready to sell (ready except for the photos, measurements & descriptions) ~

I have a lot i am listing too...otherwise i will have no more room in my designated storage area. Spring is here so no more waiting for me. And i will have to check out the measurements when she lists it to find out if i am that worthy individual but i am sure it won't be me. :( Although i am crazy about Mod, the cuts are not too crazy about my body. I should show you all my mod handbags and accessories someday. It is preposterous how many i have.
Oooh, I'd love to see all the mod accessories you have! And I identify with the "style you like, yet the cut doesn't seem to like you" thing. Really well made mid-60s clothing looks good on me, and 50s clothing is great... but the time imbetween is horrendous for me. The clothes squash my chest and cling to my hips (sadly I can never wear a pancil skirt, it'd cling to my bottom quite indecently)... did girls not have hips and chests in those days?! And when they did have a chest why was it immediately below their neckline and not where chests are *supposed* to be?! I really don't get that at all. :(

*sigh* Oh well, can't win 'em all. :)

Paulo Hewitt is the "official" mod scholar... whenever someone wants to know something mod they ask him, and whenever they need to interview someone for TV or radio they interview him. I'm sure he wouldn't have a clue about modette fashions though... and if I were going to interview someone about mod I'd choose Pete Townshend or Mac from the Small Faces. Because they were there in the midst of it, living in it and inspiring it. But hey, that's just my opinion. Paulo's good if you want to ask about sccooters and Oasis (neither being my scene... give me and E-type Jag and a proper 60s mod band any day). He's a good enough lad.

love, moons and starrs,
Whoa, I have to say I never thought I'd see the name Paulo Hewitt on these boards! :wacko: Hit me with a Beatle boot and send me back to 1995! I think I actually have one of his books (too lazy to get up and walk over to the book shelf with the music books) and I distinctly recall the non-sensical liner notes he did for (What's The Story) Morning Glory?. (The first two Oasis albums are guilty pleasures of mine.) Really, the worst liner notes ever. :barf:

Uh, anyway, sorry, back to your regularly scheduled programming.