I need help in identifying the era of this gown. This mauve taffeta satin dress has the more natural waist with the ala Marie Stuart point and the skirt is not very full. The sleeves are wide at the elbows & there is quite a bit of obvious handstitching, but I think I am finding machine stitching on the edges of the neck ruffle (unless it is darn good, consistently tiny hand stitching!!!) and there is a deep pocket set in the front skirt, just left of the center. I am very puzzled! Is it 1820-30 or is it later? The fabric feels very old and the inside of it has that polished look that my other 1800s garments have. One of the strips of boning has slipped out & is a shiny dark brown, almost black color. The fabric has some bad fading (mauve has faded to a gold) but I would love to know the approximate era. THANK YOU!