Is this orange skirt by Kayser a skirt or a slip (and date, please)?


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Hi all,
I know Kayser makes lingerie--any idea if this belted skirt was meant for wearing "out" or just as loungewear? Any idea of the date?
Thanks in advance!

Could it be 70s? It reminds me of those maxi dresses/skirts that were really popular in the early 70s and today, of course! Not sure, but interested to hear what the others have to say!
Seventies feels right, I'm just perplexed about the belt on what I thought was a slip...
Looks quite 70s to me, and wouldn't be a slip or "street wear," but as you say, loungewear. Might have had a matching loose blouse sort of top; I can see with this a "V" neck look with ruffled neckline and ruffles at the sleeve ends.