Is This Seal Fur?


Registered Guest
My aunt gave me this coat, and while it is beautiful, I personally dont wear fur. I think it is seal fur but was hoping someone here could confirm. The label is H. Jaye Stern Valley Furriers North Hollywood. Also any idea of the era? Thank you all, as always :USETHUMBUP:



From the image I believe it could be pony. Now don't freak! It is the fashion name for cowhide, a by-product of your steak. The VFG fur resource has a short description and explanation and you can find more information on Google. I had a lengthy correspondence with a person who was convinced this fur came from unborn horses. NO, NO.

The style looks 1950's

Haha, not freaking out. I would prefer it is was NOT seal. I dont want to sell anything that could be on the endangered list. I wont pretend to know much at all about furs so I defer to you all here. Okay will do some research..thanks!
Originally posted by CRAZYBUBBA
On my screen it looks like the fur has some spotting.

Could you describe the color/feel?

There is no spotting on the coat. Its jet black, soft, and and very glossy.
If it's any consolation, my 'feelings' about vintage fur are that if people would buy & wear the Vintage ones, it would really slow down the killing of the animals to make new ones. My dream is to one day have nothing BUT recycled fur on the market.

I try to impress that on anyone whenever the subject comes up. It's just my opinion.

...and I Love the jacket! ;)
Originally posted by Leisa
If it's any consolation, my 'feelings' about vintage fur are that if people would buy & wear the Vintage ones, it would really slow down the killing of the animals to make new ones. My dream is to one day have nothing BUT recycled fur on the market.

I try to impress that on anyone whenever the subject comes up. It's just my opinion.

...and I Love the jacket! ;)

I agree!