It Pays to Let People Know...


what you collect! I think it's pretty well-known around here that I collect 20th century sportswear, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to get these old hiking skirts in today's mail:

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AmandainVermont got these from an estate, and I was beyond thrilled to get them. And others here have sent me things, let me know of wonderful items in their inventory, and have even alerted me to great stuff on Etsy and ebay they knew I'd be interested in.

So don't be shy! Let your every dream be known.
Gah! Fantastic! I've never seen anything like them. Those POCKETS! What decade are they from?

Amanda, that sure was sweet of you!

I'm so glad you posted this! I have had items I wasn't sure what to do with or weren't my "niche" (like I actually have a "niche" ;) ) and found out someone LOVES and collects them - I feel so much better getting something into the hands of someone who will enjoy and appreciate it :wub: