Its like driving past an accident...

i don't WANT to look.. but I do..

and thats how i feel about Martha Stewart.. i don't want to watch, but find myself turning her on, lol.. especially at holidays for new ideas..

But.. today she had a nice tour of the National Museum of the American Indian in New York and featured the clothing, including construction, hide dresses, styles, quills, beads and how they evolved thru the years..

i want to go! it looks amazing. The dresses truly are a work of art, and baby shoes with beaded bottoms so they look beautiful as your carrying your baby.

any New Yorkers see the exhibit? it runs till next Sept.

That sounds like an extremely interesting exhibit.

What a concept - beaded bottom baby shoes (go ahead, try that ten time fast) so your baby's feet are pretty while you carry him or her~ I thought you were going to end that sentence with something about them being beaded so baby wouldn't slip while trying to walk.
Have you seen the show "Whatever, Martha"? It is basically her daughter's show and her and a friend sit and watch old episodes of Martha and make fun of her. I tivod it the other day but haven't watched it yet.
I went to that museum when I was there 2 years ago but I haven't seen the recent show. Its a wonderful collection and not a very well attended museum because its down in the financial district rather than up on museum row. However, I will warn you, the security guards are sick bastards and I will NEVER go to this museum ever again. They used a wand, had me remove my shoes and belt, they x-rayed and went through my packages and then just walked away with me standing in the middle of a cavernous marble floored hall, half dressed, everything in disarray, and no place to sit down to put my shoes back on or repack my parcels. It was humiliating and frankly it would have been easier to get through LaGuardia airport sweating with a turban on my head.
frankly it would have been easier to get through LaGuardia airport sweating with a turban on my head


Sounds like a great exhibit, though! Would love to go...

The other exhibit I've been dying to see is the one in Philadelphia of Alexander Calder's jewelry. I think this is the last week, though....
LMAO~ oh Jonathan! I'm so sorry you were treated like that, but your last statement is so funny.. Why on EARTH do they need to wand someone at a museum like that? insanity!

No wonder its poorly attended if they treat people like that.]

I havent seen Whatever Martha, but sounds like something i'd really enjoy, especially if her daughter makes fun of Martha's pronunciation.

Oh the jewlery exhibit sounds wonderful too!

If only to be rich and fly to NY for the holidays and see the museums AND the decorations!