Jacqmar scarves - any good books/ resources for collectors?


VFG Member
I always pick up older scarves etc. as I am a sucker for a great print. I have a few older Jacqmar ones that I think are 'more' collectable (40s to 50s), one of which I am pretty sure is an Arnold Lever design of a market place, another enormous silk one with the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden that I am guessing is 40s.

I've only a passing knowledge though, and wondered if any one could recommend any good resources for vintage scarf collectors (books, websites etc.)?

Thank you! :)
Thank you! I think I've had a very quick look there before, so shall go back and have a bit more thorough nose around.

I don't think I will be selling them as I believe I too have unintentionally joined your ranks as collector - they're much too nice ! :)

I shall try and take a few pictures this weekend to share.
:USETHUMBUP: would love to see those pics, unfortunately I am still bad at using photobucket!

Aquascutum is another favourite...
Well it took me a while and sorry no full shots - my small child knocked the settings on the camera and it wouldn't focus properly, I need to read the manual to reset it before I use it again :BAGUSE:

This is the lineny one that I think is perhaps an unsigned Arnold Lever? Hand rolled edges, and great shopping scene! It's pretty big, maybe 2 feet square.




I took some others so will try and remember to upload them tomorrow!

Oh my God!! I love that scarf! Much nicer than any of mine. Expensive? Fortunately for me I have gotten all of min relatively cheap because very few people seem to be interested in vintage silk scarves. Do you find that too?
Vintage scarves

It's amazing just how many people do collect vintage scarves both silk and other wise, interesting designs are quite thin on the ground though, at one time I could go 'scarfing' and arrive back home with allsorts, some of them now very rare. Nowadays I very rarely come across anything worth buying and have not bought anything for ages but am always on the lookout 'just in case' something out of the ordinary turns up, there are still the internet auction sites of course.

I had once intended forming a club for scarf collectors but decided that too much work was involved and decided on a website instead i.e. Scarf Collector which has already been mentioned in a previous message.
What a great scarf! I don't intentionally collect scarves, but I do look for ones to accompany ensembles in my collection. So I only have about oh...50 or so.:BAGUSE:

The only scarf book I have is "The Scarf" by Andrew Baseman. Like many books on clothing it is long on images, short on info. Still a fair resource, and worth the $8 I paid for my copy.
Well it took me a while and sorry no full shots - my small child knocked the settings on the camera and it wouldn't focus properly, I need to read the manual to reset it before I use it again :BAGUSE:

This is the lineny one that I think is perhaps an unsigned Arnold Lever? Hand rolled edges, and great shopping scene! It's pretty big, maybe 2 feet square.




I took some others so will try and remember to upload them tomorrow!

Hi Hatty,
Unfortunately this is not an Arnold Lever scarf,Though it is a pretty scarf.
Arnold Lever has an unique style, his illustrations are bolder more flamboyant and generous strokes .
A recent great book on vintage scarves ,a coffee table book edition with large images and great photography of original vintage scarves. With a luxury fabric cover imitating a scarf is 'Scarves' published by Thames & Hudson.
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