Jantzen Men's Bathing Jacket - help, please?


VFG Member
Jantzen Men\'s Bathing Jacket - help, please?

Hi y'all.

I have a Jantzen Men's terrycloth bathing jacket -
Swim Jacket - Pool Jacket?
What do you think the best Name or KW is?

I looked at the label resource & the closest is an Aussie one from the 40's.
My date guess prior to seeing that was 1950's.
What do you think? The buttons are gold tone plastic.

Here's a shot of the label & a couple of rough ones of the jacket.
Believe me when I tell you - Mz. Thang was none too happy about modeling it. :wacko:

Thanks in Advance!



Sleeve Vent:
Cabana jacket, that's what I call these too. And I like mine with a boy inside! Yes, we all felt that the Jantzen middy collar blouse, was either late 50's or just into the early 60's, but we lean towards the late 50's more. In fact, I was just watching an early Robert Altman film, called "The Delinquents" and it was made in '56, released in '57, and the character of the little sister, wore a cute blouse similar in style, to mine.
The electric blue though, does provide a clue as well.