Joann went bankrupt!

I was sad to hear of this. Pretty much the last store left for home sewing, tools, and crafting supplies trims and fun stuff. Has home sewing fallen more to the wayside in the past decade? While I have not been in a fabric store for decades, it was nice knowing they were still there. There are none in my city that I know of, now.
Maybe it will give more opportunity for shops that specialize in target markets, like quilters. We don't have Joanne up here in Canada - we have Len's mills and Fabricland which deal exclusively with fabrics and home sewing - no hobby stuff - that's all carried by Michael's.
I do hate to see JoAnn go, however, my experience has been less than stellar the last couple of times I went.

There were 3-4 strips of fluorescent lighting flickering in the fabric department--enough that it was making me queasy trying to look at fabric. When I went to the front desk to report it and asked for a manager, they basically said that they did not replace flickering lights until they had a certain amount (can't remember the number, but large) flickering.

At that point, I swore not to go back.
The clerks in our local JoAnns told us that not ALL stores are being closed. We'll supposedly have two stores left open in Wisconsin.

I used to sew all my clothes because it was less expensive than buying retail. With fast fashion and pre-loved items so easily available, that's not true anymore. And I think many people get their craft supplies online. Or buy thread and patterns from the local Walmart.

Retail has just changed so, so much. It's a wonder that any brick and mortar store stays in business.
The clerks in our local JoAnns told us that not ALL stores are being closed. We'll supposedly have two stores left open in Wisconsin.

I used to sew all my clothes because it was less expensive than buying retail. With fast fashion and pre-loved items so easily available, that's not true anymore. And I think many people get their craft supplies online. Or buy thread and patterns from the local Walmart.

Retail has just changed so, so much. It's a wonder that any brick and mortar store stays in business.
They initially were not going to close all stores, but then a couple of days later announced all stores were closing.
Some of the really big cities still have fabric and garment districts, L.A., San Fran, New York, etc. They have amazing stuff. It's worth getting a group together for a day trip to go there as it is kind of overwhelming to go it alone. When I was young in N.J. there was a store called the Mill End Shop. They sold fabrics that were end of run or no longer being produced. It was a great place to go with my mom. Great memories of the old days.

Does anybody remember the notion counter at their local stores? Its funny to read the old magazines and ads when they say "justlook for it at your local notion counter" . I wish!!