Jonathan's 40's Fashions


VFG Member
Jonathan\'s 40\'s Fashions

I'm reading Jonathan's 40's Fashions. It is really fascinating and if you haven't read it, run to your local bookstore, library, whatever. Claire
Bought it and devoured it right away! I've always loved 40s fashion, even before I got into these things more seriously. It just always appealed to me, and I keep coming back to it again and again. And this is one of the books that I can pour over forever. The fashions are just too gorgeous.

I like the old cover - but the new one is great, too. I ordered Jonathan's book the first time I ever logged onto the VFG homepage. It was on the homepage and I clicked straight through and purchased it. Great book!


I think I have already mentioned this to you, but it bears repeating. Your book is fascinating and your research is astounding. The book is different from any other out there, and I learned so much about European culture and fashion during WWII. Thank you so much for writing it.

Regards, Barbara
My freind brought your book back from the Library he works at. It was very Random. I read it and was impressed, It had substance..... Not just eye candy but alot of great information presented really well....
