joules is a blog star!


I was blogging about my cat tray today, and my google search on the maker turned up an item by joules, plus a mention of the same item on apartment therapy. And apparently she was mentioned on two other blogs today, too! Plus, Lizzie blogged her ski tie the other day. Does that make 5 blogs in a week?

Here's mine:

Here's a link to her photo stream on flickr with screen shots:

Way to give the people what they want!
Eileen, you made my day! This has been my Lucky Blog Day. It's better than hitting the Trifecta at the race track. Well, maybe...
Thank you, and Lizzie, so very much. (I should not have left that other Couroc tray behind the other day, which was a mouse with a hunk of cheese! Hideous, but no doubt collectible.)

Your Couroc cat tray is extremely cute! I've not seen one like it before, with that rhinestone collar detail and all.