Just what is it? hand weavers, spinners, knitters?


I need some help identifying just what this is. I was attracted to this thing as it looks like a hand weavers spindle of some sort. Now I'm not so sure as I can't seem to find anything like it. Is it perhaps a toy of some sort? A top?

It's nice and heavy. Made of a few different types of wood. The large base is heavy. the center has an anchor hole and that wooden piece in the middle spins. There is a small metal piece just at the center of the bottom which looks like it spins on this point. Help please. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks so much!




Thanks Deborah. It's actually about 10" long x 4" at widest point. A prayer wheel, never heard of that, off to go check.
You know that Victorian Festival I'm planning to attend (and win the costume contest) this fall? Well, they've got all sorts of spinning/tatting/weaving experts showing off their skills. I'd bet if you contact some lace-making/weaving/spinning/fiber arts consortium or other, they'll know exactly what it is. Lemme see what I can find, hang on...

Maybe ask these people? --> http://www.fiberartsalliance.org/
It's so pointy, do you think maybe it has something to do with that thing, is it felting, where you poke bits of fiber through a piece of fabric? Gah, I can't seem to form proper sentences or remember words today. Sorry. I used to see some guy doing it at the local yarn shop, and it involved a fancy, pointy, bobbin-looking gadget.