Keyword suggestions for this no hitter bag pls

I know these little bags are not rare or anything but this sweetie is in mint condition. But after 3 days she's not had hardly any hits!!! Even spent the $$ to double categorize it. Do you have some suggestions for better title - keywords??

auction writeup

Any suggestions are appreciated to help get her noticed.
I've been watching that one, Barbara. Did you change the price on it? or am i seeing things.

All I can think of is that vintage handbags that are very practical usually have more draw than others. To make a handbag auction really hop, you need both wearers and collectors out there. I would pop "clutch" in there, but I also might be tempted to wait closer to spring. To me, the size and the beaded factor make me think "evening" but the colors and the more carefree vs very lifelike flower motif don't. Unless it is "summer evening". This would be perfect for easter time/spring. I could also see this for a teen where they need to be well turned out, but some of the black beaded handbags are too mature looking. Or outdoor wedding.

one more thing, is i know that you show it in the photo, but write in the auction what color the background is. is it ivory? pale pink? eggshell? it looks like a warm off white to me but i can't really tell.
Thanks Chris.... some good pointers and I just updated the auction wording a little.

.....and yes.....true confession. I did up the opening price because I panicked (Have her tagged in the shop at $45). With so few few hits, I'm not willing to "lose" this little beauty at 9.99...... :)

Thanks for the word help!
so...... guess maybe I just should not have listed now???

I tend to always run a little too far ahead of the trends. It's a strange phenomena...but it's true. I'll finish off selling a "group of stuff" I've had a long time and two months later it busts out big time!!! Used to drive me nuts...! I think it's part of my time here to learn patience! :o

When I revised it yesterday, I dropped the year reference in the title so I could get "clutch" in. ( Sometimes I really wonder if people do use year date to search??) The hits improved dramatically yesterday!! Yippee-at least it's getting seen!
....then of course, getting sold is another issue!

thanks again....
Well...when you are on ebay and something only has a week to knock em dead, you have to list carefully. on your site i am sure you can leave it until "the right person comes along"
Personally.... alot of things I have like that I am putting "spring" in the title. They are getting more hits that way. Heck, it is cold.... spring is around the corner and everyone is looking for the spring trends to buy. Beautiful purse by the way!
If you have a display hand, show the clutch loop around the hand, carried in the palm. also if you have some gloves show them tucked inside the loop as a glove loop. Maybe not this time out, but if it happens to not sell. will give people ideas
ooohhhh good pointers! Sometimes I forget to not focus the camera so heavily on just the object!! Interesting point! And boy you are rignt about the impact timing thing on ebay! Actually I've always thought people would be looking "ahead" but now I think of it that's probably not the case. I have to think ahead for trends...but ebay is "retail I wanna use it now" buys mostly.

Always room for learning! Thanks!