Kids Never Tell A Lie!

what do I think?
I think if your kid's a liar you don't put a freakin camera on him and make him a star!
sorry I'm a Mom of a 12 year old and this kind of crap isn't cute at all. I've seen similar videos win on America's Funniest Home Videos and it has become a pet peeve of mine. Yay maybe when he grows up he'll be in a police chase because the cameras on on him :poo:

You make an excellent point! I watched that thinking.....oh so cute, not even thinking of
the consequences something like this could have on a young child. That oh-so-cute in a
few years could become oh-so-bad.

LOL, to be the devil's advocate here, this little boy reminds me of Jake!:BAGUSE:

Jake is six and he does tell some stories- I mean blatent lies when you ask him about something. Maybe it's just a 6 year old boy thing but then again, I remember when I was about his age telling my mum some blatent lies, one in particular that "buzzbag" is French for a bumble bee, LOL! and I didn't turn out to be a criminal :saint:

Jake does have a vivid imagination though and so did my sis and I so maybe it's just one of the developmental thingies that some kids go through.

WHOA, I am not saying everyone or every kid who tells a couple lies is going to be a criminal. I'm only saying it shouldn't be turned into an "aww that's so cute" moment.
It's just like those parents who laugh and think it's cute when their 2 year old says :censored2: but then they can't get them to stop doing it later.
again these kind of videos strike a nerve with me...don't think I am some kind of uber strict hothead Mom. They are just one of my pet peeves
Eel, I knew what you were saying and agree again. Heck, my youngest daughter was the master
of telling fibs from 2 - 7 years and cute as can be when she did. I think kids naturally will lie, however
as for taping it, which to me is not a bad thing, but then putting it out there for 1,000s of people to
see, that CAN be something that might come back to bite the family in the butt.
