Kind of Fun to Watch = evolution of men's clothing

I just finished watching this a bit earlier. My only wish is they had worked on correctly fitting and wearing the earlier ensembles. The trousers sitting low(er) on his hips makes the trousers look particularly terrible. EEK.

In the end though...the man knows how to wear those skivvies and I have ZERO complaints about that shock emoti
That was my thought too! The earlier trousers have too much of a modern look, and to your comments I'd like to add that I thought they should be baggier. Overall quite good though, and I loved the more modern eras, especially '60s and '70s.
I think most of the problem with the trousers is that they are not sitting right. They are letting him wear them lower than intended - some should be as high his belly button. That would clean up that messy crotch and the weird proportions. They would also then be full where intended as opposed to just sloppy as hell. I know that when I am dressing my manni, if I don't get those trousers up where they are intended, they look terrible. Once you get them to their intended higher waist, the shape and fit falls into place.