Kirkland Hall?


VFG Treasurer
Is anyone familiar with the Kirkland Hall label? I have acquired what I believe is a 40s wool suit with that label but seem to be unable to find anything about the company besides a few ads from the mid 40s.

Thank you,

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I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that tags specifying care (ie "dry clean only") weren't introduced until the 1970s or so. Maybe someone else knows more than me about this?

Regardless, it's a very nice-looking suite, and sorry I don't know anything about the label!
Kate em, you're not far wrong - the tags came in during the '60s and became a requirement during the '70s. The woolmark also points to this being fairly modern. I date as being mid to late '70s, when '40s style was back in and beige was all the rage.

Googling for "Kirkland Hall suit" I found several from the '50s to '70s.
I think this will be a little gem for you , even not been original 40's it has such a period look and feel to it that I would expect it to be snapped up pretty sharpish by ladies who wear the 40's ( in the UK 40's skirt suites are not easy to find) and I bet it will be in a very wearble size also for some luky lady.
Thank you Joules. I didn't assume that based on the date of introduction of the woolmark but based on the fact that I hadn't found anything later than the early 70s but now I see that they did in fact exist later.

Thank you Pauline, I did think it had a 40s vibe to it, even though now it appears that it is from much later. I still don't believe that it is later than the mid 70s.

You're welcome, Victoria.
You had stated "I did find out that the woolmark was introduced in 1964 so the suit is most likely from that time."
This is the reason I replied as I did.

Suits were being produced in great numbers during the late 70s, as this was a popular mode of professional dress at the time:,3951904
I still place your suit toward the late 70s.
It seems 1970's to me. It does have a 1940'ish shape but lacks the crisp fabric and detailing from that time period. Some of the wool 1970's suits are very nice and your suit appears to be one of them.