I'll second the Ichiroya site. They've got lots of info.
For what its worth, I know a bit about kimonos. They are notoriously difficult to date. However, yours is almost certainly post WWII. Earlier kimonos "tend" to have red linings. A pale green lining is a newer convention. Also, kimonos from the teens through 30s "tend" to have slightly longer hanging sleeves. Yours are more typical of modern kimonos. The over the shoulder design is also a more modern look. Perhaps yours comes from the 40s or 50s. A soldier might have brought it home for his girl.
As for an obi. Those are totally separate. They're not like ties for a robe. Not having a matching tie or belt loops is one the signs that your kimono is actually Japanese, not made for the western market. And just fyi, all kimonos are hand sewn. Even now. I'm sure there must be some cheap machine sewn one's out there, but I've never come across one.